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Psychoeducational assessment

Psychoeducational assessment

A psychoeducational evaluation is most frequently recommended by a teacher or pediatrician. The assessment is used to evaluate the child’s cognitive functioning (i.e. their intellectual profile) and academic learning (i.e. their achievement profile). Based on referral concerns, other areas of functioning are evaluated, such as attention, social-emotional development, executive functioning, and visual processing.

The psycho-educational assessment provides a comprehensive profile of a child’s strengths and areas of difficulty that can then guide educational interventions (e.g., accomodations) and planning.

The process for a psychoeducational evaluation involves a series of steps. An init ial intake interview is first conducted, followed by approximately three testing sessions with the child. The testing sessions take about 2-3 hours each and can vary greatly for several reasons. A final feedback session is held to review the final report, including home and school-based recommendations. It is then up to the parents or legal minor to provide a copy of the report to the school and/or other professional(s) who will be using the report to provide support.